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Establish a unified view of individual customer data

Move beyond traditional CRM solutions, siloes and fragmentation - get your customer data organised and actionable when and where it needs to be.

Omneo gives you a flexible data model and tooling designed specifically to deliver premium omnichannel retail CX.

- Connect your CX stack and create a single view of customer
- Collect and manage zero-party customer data
- Improve customer data hygiene
- Get data to the people and platforms that need it to be most effective
- Analyse your customer data to uncover deep insights

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Omneo Single View of Customer Dashboard

If you’re an omnichannel retailer, you know…

It’s hard for your teams to provide consistent and personalised services in-store and online, when

Your platforms don't have the data they need

The platforms in your tech stack are likely not fulfilling their potential with fragmented customer data and inconsistent across channels.

The links between customers and your team are missing

There are links between your customers – and your team – that you don’t know about.

Achieving a single view of customers is elusive

The typical ‘single view of customer’ is static and outdated.

Omnichannel initiatives are expensive

Implementing new omnichannel services is daunting, complex and expensive.

CRM platforms are not fit for purpose

Traditional CRM solutions are not designed for omnichannel retailers.

Data is not in real time

Key customer interaction data is not available ‘live’, meaning opportunities are missed.

Omneo provides the solution

Omneo is not your typical CRM or a CDP

Establish a single view of the customer

Omneo establishes a single view of the customer, based on zero-party data – ie, data that customers have actively shared, or would expect your brand to have anyway.

Customers, however, share the same single view, having full understanding and control over the information accessible by brands and teams.

Gather, store and operationalise zero-party data

Brands can collect information shared throughout a customer’s journey. That information is stored centrally and shared across channels, to ensure it can be best used to support customers – and sales.

That information supports staff members to sell more effectively with highly personalised experiences, while access to real-time customer data allows personalised experiences to be delivered ‘live’.

Implement new omnichannel experiences with ease

Omneo’s architecture and data models mean it’s easy to integrate with other tools in your tech stack – or to build brand-new services and experiences on top.

We also provide ready-built interface components that can be leveraged to accelerate your progress.

Share data across your tech stack

Sharing data across your tech stack means you can enhance the effectiveness of each platform within it, ensuring they have the data they need and when to leverage their full capability.

And, by creating a central identity for customers, brands can improve data hygiene, avoiding duplication, and ensuring the best experiences span your full retail ecosystem.

Gather deeper customer data – that they want to share

Customers are more willing to share data they can clearly see will be used to their own benefit - to provide the services and utility they value. this information is typically more relevant, accurate and actionable.

Omneo is designed to gather, store and operationalise that zero-party data.

Understand links between customers

Omneo also supports linked profiles, allowing brands to understand relevant connections between customers and their friends and families, as well as members of your team and related organisations.

Teams can deliver richer and more personalised services and experiences.

Composable architecture

Omneo’s platform is designed to accommodate third-party embedded solutions, allowing retailers to build in the tools and services they can use.

That ensures teams can integrate other platforms to serve specific needs while maintaining the single customer-centric view.

Private by design

Privacy by design isn’t an afterthought within Omneo – it’s core in the platform’s design.

Customers control the information that’s shared, bolstering trust and brand loyalty. At the same time, other platforms only have access to the data they need.

Centrally update and manage customer data

Managing customer data means all connected platforms remain in sync. This means brands can easily manage regulatory obligations – such as GDPR rules – with the ability to delete or anonymise information from all tools at once.


The customer is always right


Omneo is our enabler for a omni-channel customer experience.
Wherever our customer chooses to shop, their history and preferences 
are available to those who service them. Most importantly, customers can self-service and access their own information at any time.


Carina Ton Micheal


AGP Group Head of Technology

APG & CO logo


Unify your customer data

Eliminate data silos that obstruct omnichannel coordination for your customers and team enabling the delivery of private and personalised services and experiences.

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A single view

Unite customer data points from various locations, to create an unobstructed view of individual customers, paving the way for true omni-channel coordination and personalisation of services and experiences.

Omneo’s ‘Identities’ capability consolidates customer identifiers from connected systems, allowing for seamless transitions between platforms, while preserving historical context – all with world-class security, privacy, and compliance measures in place.

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Private by design

We know retail leaders recognise the importance of privacy and data security – including when it comes to preserving customer trust and safeguarding brand reputation.

Privacy is built into Omneo, with customers controlling their own shared information. Equally, any platform in the brand’s ecosystem only has access to the data it needs, helping to ensure compliance with various global regulations (including GDPR, Australian Privacy Principles, CAN-SPAM Acts and the ACMA SPAM Act.)

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Linked customer profiles

Omneo goes beyond individual customer profiles, offering deeper insights into the groups individuals belong to, and the company they keep. Linked profiles could help you make a connection between a customer and their household members; their family; gift givers and receivers; even their regular stylist or new customers they’ve referred.

These insights empower brands to offer personalised services and experiences tailored to a customer’s unique needs, within the context of their associated groups. 

Synced customer profiles

Profile synchronisation allows retailers to offer personalised experiences and loyalty benefits across multiple brands.

This can be particularly valuable for department stores, house-of-brand organisations, or other multi-brand partnerships.

Integrates with the platforms you love

Integrated with the best composable architecture:
Flexible and future-proof.

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