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Implement a modern loyalty program that rewards customers (and staff) throughout their journey

Step into the future of retail loyalty with Omneo. Our suite of CX tools empowers you to craft loyalty plans that resonate with customers across all channels. Unlike traditional programs, Omneo fosters deeper connections that drive brand advocacy consistently.

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If you’re a premium retailer, you know…

It’s hard to design and implement an incentive program that seamlessly acknowledges and rewards both customers and staff – particularly across different channels

Key data points across the journey are disconnected

Connecting data points across the journey of customers and staff is challenging, and gaining a true single view of the customer has historically been elusive.

Most loyalty platforms are too simplistic

Most loyalty platforms are very simplistic, relying primarily on transaction data, ignoring other valuable interactions with in-store teams or online.

Loyalty program design choices are limited by inflexible systems

Redeeming rewards and accessing benefits across channels is difficult to implement – particularly at POS.

Omneo provides the solution

Omneo is designed for retail

Unlike other CRM or CDP platforms, Omneo has been intentionally designed with retailers (and their customers and staff) in mind. Rather than generic functionality, we provide tools to enable premium customer experiences.

Brands can incentivise valuable behaviour

Omneo integrates functionality and collates key signals and data points throughout the customer’s journey. Deeper insights mean you can offer genuinely personalised incentives.

Customers interact in new ways

Engaging incentives provide new ways for customers to interact with your brand, discover new products or services, and earn rewards that work for them – all boosting brand loyalty.

High-performing staff are rewarded

Omneo provides new ways for staff members to assist customers, as well as the mechanics to connect any positive customer interactions to a final sale. Retailers can attribute results to the team members driving them and issue incentives within the same platform.

Systems work together seamlessly

Omneo is designed to accommodate all manner of third-party embedded solutions, and the system can be embedded within your POS and ecommerce platforms, or run alongside them – so there’s no compromise.

Omneo works with your tech stack

Composable architecture means Omneo can be implemented within existing experiences and complements the other platforms in your stack.


The customer is always right


Omneo is our enabler for a omni-channel customer experience.
Wherever our customer chooses to shop, their history and preferences 
are available to those who service them. Most importantly, customers can self-service and access their own information at any time.


Carina Ton Micheal


AGP Group Head of Technology

APG & Co

Integrates with the tools you love

Integrated with the best, composable architecture: flexible and future proof

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Loyalty programs can be tailored to the needs of individual retailers and even customers. Through Omneo, your loyalty program could feature any number of the following:

rewards icon


Rewards are a classic but dynamic ‘dollar-off’ discount. Customers can access a credit related to or triggered by an event – think a birthday, a sign-up anniversary, or simply spending a certain amount in a certain space of time. 

Typically, customers (or staff) can have more than one reward attached to their account at any time, however, they usually have an expiry date. Rewards are usually the first step in thinking about onboarding, incentivising and retaining engaged customers. 

benefits icon


Benefits are similar to rewards, but rather than earning a dollar-value discount, customers receive a standalone percentage discount, which could be applied across the store, or to a specific category. Benefits can also be alternative ‘gifts’ such as free alterations, a VIP visit or access to an exclusive event.

Retailers can use benefits to offer more personalised rewards linked to a customer’s actual behaviour, thereby boosting engagement and reducing reliance on broader discounting and marketing strategies.

Points icon


Points refer to a brand’s abstract kind of ‘currency’, earned through transactions or other behaviours. 

Points are often linked to the amount spent in one transaction and can be redeemed at a set value against later transactions. For example, customers could earn one point per $1 spent, and then redeem 100 points for a $10 discount.

Brands can also offer a points bonus for referring a friend, adding detail to a customer account or leaving feedback. This rewards engaged customers and encourages repeat spending and loyalty.

Tiers Icon


Tiers refer to certain thresholds customers reach, usually based on accumulated points or other actions such as referring a friend, taking up offers or shopping in more than one location. 

Individual retailers can configure tiers, and brands can offer exclusive rewards, benefits or credits for customers as they reach new levels. This also allows team members to quickly identify their best and most engaged customers.

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Similar to tier rewards, achievements are cumulative goals reached by engaging with a brand in specifically determined ways. Achievements are unlocked by meeting a ‘count’ goal. Once unlocked they can’t be lost.

Achievements can be customised to be activated and visible after a certain level of spending is achieved. 

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Credits are essentially used as payment in-store, instead of cash. That is, they’re treated as a payment type, rather than a form of discount. 

Brands can offer credit as an alternative to refunds for returned items, for example offering a $110 credit instead of a $100 refund. Or credit can be used in marketing promotions for giveaways, or issued through gift cards.

Status Icon


Brands can assign a status to customers or team members to define their relationship with the brand, categorise their customer profile, and link ongoing benefits to their account. For example, a customer with a large social media following could link their social accounts to their profile to achieve ‘influencer’ status. This could unlock free delivery for online purchases, or double points on certain products.

Status means staff can identify key customers at a glance, and reward.

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Omneo’s codes functionality allows customers to be identified at a POS by scanning a barcode on their smartphone. Codes replace physical loyalty cards and create an easy way for team members to support customers in-store (and help them redeem rewards), even with legacy POS systems.

Customers can also view their rewards at any time in their shopping journey, whether online or in-store.

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