By providing both tailored product recommendations and requests for feedback by way of reviews, listing likes and dislikes, CSAT and NPS post purchase feedback, customers feel a sense they are listened to, recognised and valued, while brands receive invaluable feedback to act on, and create greater experiences, products and services for their best customers and gain a competitive advantage.
By requesting feedback at the time of purchase and post purchase, the brand receives timely feedback at the moment that is most pertinent, fresh and relevant, giving more reliable feedback than periodic surveys or focus groups.
Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Scores are a valuable metric for businesses to use to determine who are the promoters and detractors, as well as the level of customer satisfaction held by customers at the time of their purchase. Omneo can issue, track and store their measures against the customer’s profile for a history over time of their scores, as well as trigger comms or other events in response to changes to their sentiment, or positive or negative results.